Royal College Subspecialty Residency Programs


Accredited Royal College 2 Year Subspecialty Adult Palliative Medicine Program

UBC has had a palliative medicine speciality program since July 2017.   The 2 year program has had 1-2 residents in each academic year.  Residents rotate through acute and community care environments across multiple heath authorities, benefitting from the clinical faculty available across BC.  Academic supports include coordination with the year of added competency in palliative care program in the first year, and educational, administrative and research opportunities.

The UBC PGME office initially approved the Division of Palliative Care to participate in the national application and selection process for 1 resident to commence the 2-year subspecialty in palliative medicine per year.  Our program has been running since July 2017 and funding has now increased to allow us to take 2 residents per year.

Please click here to view the Royal College Palliative Medicine Residency Program Handbook.

Please click here to view the CSPCP memo outlining the application process that UBC follows.

Applications are done through CaRMS Medical Subspecialty Match, please see the CaRMs website for deadlines and further details. (  UBC Program information is available on the CaRMs website also.

For any further questions, please contact Program Administrator, Chay Motru at or Program Director, Dr. Lauren Daley at

Unaccredited Enhanced Skills Palliative Care Training for Royal College Specialists/Trainees

UBC offers clinical rotations in palliative care of up to 3 months’ duration for a small number of qualified specialists, by competition when funding is available. These programs are funded by the Koerner-Owen Endowment for physicians from BC who will be providing service here after completion of their training. The next call for applications is expected to be in the fall of 2023.

We can also accommodate trainees from other programs for extended as well as short electives by special arrangement. Home programs for non-Palliative Care residents are responsible for payment of preceptors and all other administrative supports for their trainees whilst on palliative care rotations. Division members at the clinical sites will provide instruction and curriculum support. For Palliative Care elective rotation requests, please contact: Chay Motru