Research – Publications
· Lou, C., Lou, K., & Ridley, J. (2020).Exploring the meaning of dignity at end of life for Chinese Canadians caregivers: A qualitative cross-cultural study. Palliative Medicine, 35(1), 1-9.
· Mueller, K., Karimuddin, A. A., Metcalf, C., Woo, A., & Lefresne, S. (2020). Management of Malignant Rectal Pain and Tenesmus: A Systematic Review. Journal of palliative medicine, 23(7), 964-971.
· Phan, W. L. (2020). The Island. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 23(7), 992-993.
· van Breemen, C., Johnston, J., Carwana, M., & Louie, P. (2020). Serious Illness Conversations in Pediatrics: A Case Review. Children (Basel, Switzerland), 7(8), 102.
· Collins, A. (2018). “It’s very humbling”: The effect experienced by those who facilitate legacy projects within palliative care. American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine, e-Published: Pending
· Collins, A., Bhathal, D., Field, T., Larlee, R., Paje, R. & Young, D. (2018). Hope Tree: An interactive art installation to facilitate the expression of hope in a hospice setting. American Journal of Hopsice & Palliative Medicine, e-Published: 1-7.
· Downing, M., Lesperance, M., DeKock, I., Black, F., Mirhosseini, M., Lau, F. (2018). The Development of the Prognostat Tool for Survival Prediction in Palliative Care Patient. Journal of Palliative Care Medicine & Research. 1(1):1-10
· MacCullum, C., Russo, E. (2018). Practical considerations in medical cannabis administration and dosing. European Journal of Internal Medicine. Mar;49:12-19. doi: 10.1016/j.ejim.2018.01.004.
· McKenzie, MR., Hawley, P., Barwich D., Lim, HJ. (2018). In Response to “Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada”. Journal of Oncology Practice. 14(1):56-57.
· Nimmon, L., Bates, J., Kimel, G., Lingard, L. (2018). Patients with heart failure and their partners with chronic illness: interdependence in multiple dimensions of time. Journal of Multidisciplinary HealthCare. 11 1-12.
· Barallat E., Nabal, M., Canal, J., Trujillano, J., Larkin, PJ., Downing, GM. (2017). The Spanish Adaptation of the Palliative Performance Scale (Version 2) Among Cancer Patients at the End of Life: Psychometric Properties. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 54(4):570-577 e5.
· Collins, A., & Leier, B. (2017). Can medical assistance in dying harm rural and remote palliative care in Canada? Canadian Family Physician, 63(3), 186–90.
· Collins, A. (2017). Newfoundland’s tuberculosis ship. Journal of Rural Medicine, 22(3): 120-121.
· Henderson, D., Kerley, B., Downing, M. (2017). Appeal To Physicians – Opioids Have Their Place: Let’s avoid an unintended tragedy! CMAJ Canadian Medical Association Journal. 189(44).
· Howard, M., Bansback, N., Tan, A., Klein, D., Bernard, C., Barwich, D., Dodek, P., Nijjar, A., Heyland, DK. (2017). Recognizing difficult trade-offs: values and treatment preferences for end-of-life care in a multi-site survey of adult patients in family practices. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. 17(1):164.
· Lingard, L., Sue-Chue-Lam, C., Tait, GR., Bates, J., Shadd, J., Schulz, V; Heart Failure/Palliative Care Teamwork Research Group Collaborators: (Arnold M, Burge F, Burnett S, Harkness K, Kimel G, LaDonna K, Lowery D, Marshall D, McDougall A, McKelvie R, Nimmon L, Smith S, Strachan P, Ward D.). (2017). Pulling together and pulling apart: influences of convergence and divergence on distributed healthcare teams. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 22(5):1085-1099. doi: 10.1007/s10459-016-9741-2. .
· Robinson, CA., Bottorff, JL., McFee, E., Bissell LJ., Fyles G. (2017). Caring at home until death: enabled determination. Support Care Cancer. Apr;25(4):1229-1236. doi: 10.1007/s00520-016-3515-5.
· Perri, G.-A., Bunn, S., Oh, Y.J., Kassam, A., Berall, A., Karuza, J., & Khosravani, H. (2016). Attributes and outcomes of end stage liver disease as compared with other noncancer patients admitted to a geriatric palliative care unit. Annals of Palliative Medicine, 5(2), 76-82.
· Pearce, J., & Ridley, J. (2016). Communication in life-limiting illness: A practical guide for physicians. British Columbia Medical Journal, 58(5), 262-7.
· Holroyd-Leduc, J., Resin, J., Ashley, L., Barwich, D., Elliott, J.,……, Muscedere, J. (2016). Giving voice to older adults living with frailty and their family caregivers: engagement of older adults living with frailty in research, health care decision making, and in health policy. Research Involvement and Engagement.2:23.
· Lauck, SB., Gibson, JA., Baumbusch, J., Carroll, SL., Achtem, L., Kimel, G., Nordquist, C., Cheung, A., Boone, RH., Ye, J., Wood, DA., Webb, JG. (2016) Transition to palliative care when transcatheter aortic valve implantation is not an option: opportunities and recommendations. Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care. Mar;10(1):18-23. doi: 10.1097/SPC.
· Peixoto, R.D., & Hawley, P. (2015). Intravenous lidocaine for cancer pain without electrocardiographic monitoring: A retrospective review. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 18(4), 373-7.
· Sinuff, T., Dodek, P., You, J.J., Barwich, D., Tayler, C., Downar, J., Hartwick, . . . Heyland, D.K. (2015). Improving end-of-life communication and decision making: The development of a conceptual framework and quality indicators. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 49(6), 1070-80.
· Teixeira, A.A., Hanvey, L., Tayler, C., Barwich, D., Baxter, S., & Heyland, D.K. (2015). What do Canadians think of advanced care planning? Findings from an online opinion poll. BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care, 5(1), 40-7.
· Lau, F., Barwich, D., Hilliard, N., Partridge, C., Hobson, B., Price, M., . . . Randhawa, G. (2015). A Knowledge Translation Project on Best Practices in End-of-life Care. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 20(8), 237-41.
· Chu, L., Hawley, P., Munk, P., Mallinson, P., & Clarkson, P. (2015). Minimally invasive palliative procedures in oncology: a review of a multidisciplinary collaboration. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(6), 1589-96.
· Hilliard, N., Brown, S., Mitchinson, S. (2015). A case report of dexmedetomidine used to treat intractable pain and delirium in a tertiary palliative care unit. Palliative Medicine, 29(3):278-81.
· Chan, E., Sawtasky, R,, Gadermann, A., Cohen, S., Knowledge Synthesis Team, PROMs and PREMS for Elderly Patients in Acute Care and Their Families: An EMPRO Evaluation, abstract 574, ISOQOL 2015
· Sawatzky, R., Chan, E.K.H., Bryan, S., Cohen, R., Cuthbertson, L., Dixon, D., Lett, J., Gadermann, A., Hilliard, N., McGregor, M., Roberts, D., Schick- Makaroff, K., Stajduhar, K., & Tayler, C. (2015). Patient- and family-reported experience and outcome measures for use in acute care: A knowledge synthesis. Canadian Frailty Network.
· Laforest E., Sawatzky R., Schick-Makaroff K., Stajduhar K., Krawczyk M., Wang S., Hilliard N., Neufeld C., Lett J., Tayler C., Voth J., Cohen S.R. (2016). Desirable features of a quality of life assessment and practice support system (QPSS) in palliative acute and home care. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. Conference: 21st International Congress on Palliative Care. 52 (6) (pp e99).
· Krawczyk M., Schick-Makaroff K., Cohen S.R., Stajduhar K., Laforest E., Wang S., Hilliard N., Neufeld C., Lett J., Tayler C., Voth J., Sawatzky R. (2016). Experiences of integrating electronic assessments within tertiary palliative care: Use of the quality of life assessment and practice support system (QPSS). Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. Conference: 21st International Congress on Palliative Care. Canada. 52 (6) (pp e5-e6).
· Robinson, C., Fyles, G., McKenzie, M. (2015). Oncologist Experience Implementing Goals of Care Discussions in Everyday Ambulatory Oncology Practice: Implications for Education. Journal of Cancer Education, 19 September 2017 (DOI) 10.1007/s13187-015-0915-z: 1-7.
· Gallagher, R., & Baldwin, C. (2014). Palliative sedation. CMAJ, 186(3), 212.
· Simon, J., Wasylenko, E., Barwich, D. (2014). Beyond resuscitate and do-not-resuscitate. CMAJ. 186(18):1398.
· 2014-03-03 Victoria Hospice Palliative Care: Medical Intensive Course: Medical Ethics in Palliative Care (accredited by the CFPC for MAINPRO-M1 Credits)
· 2014-07-16 UBC Year of Added Competency Palliative Resident Teaching: Pain Assessment and How Good Pain Goes Bad
· 2014-07-23 UBC Year of Added Competency Palliative Resident Teaching: Opiophobia and Barriers to Pain Management
· 2014-07-23 UBC Year of Added Competency Palliative Resident Teaching: OPIOID PRESCRIBING made ridiculously simple
· 2014-09-11 Sea Courses: Caring for an Aging Population: Spotting Palliative Patients in the Wild (accredited by the CFPC for MAINPRO-M1 Credits)
· 2014-09-15 Sea Courses: Caring for an Aging Population: OPIOID PRESCRIBING made ridiculously simple (accredited by the CFPC for MAINPRO-M1 Credits)
· 2014-09-17 Sea Courses: Caring for an Aging Population: Respiratory Symptoms at End of Life (accredited by the CFPC for MAINPRO-M1 Credits)
· 2014-09-17 Sea Courses: Caring for an Aging Population: Delirium – Everyman’s Psychosis (accredited by the CFPC for MAINPRO-M1 Credits)
· 2014-09-18 Sea Courses: Caring for an Aging Population: Final Weeks, Days and Hours (accredited by the CFPC for MAINPRO-M1 Credits)
· 2014-09-18 Sea Courses: Caring for an Aging Population: Deprescribing at End of Life (accredited by the CFPC for MAINPRO-M1 Credits)
· 2014-11-18 Victoria Hospice Palliative Care: Medical Intensive Course: Beyond the WHO – Advanced Pain Management (accredited by the CFPC for MAINPRO-M1 Credits)
· 2014-11-20 Victoria Hospice Palliative Care: Medical Intensive Course: Medical Ethics
· 2014-12-03 UBC Year of Added Competency Palliative Resident Teaching: Overview of Some Palliative Emergencies
· Gallagher, R., & Krawczyk, M. (2013). Family members’ perceptions of end-of-life care across diverse locations of care. BMC Palliative Care 2013 12:25.
· Gallagher, R. (2013). Practical and strategic pain management in residential care. BC Medical Journal. 55(2), 85-89.
· Gallagher, R. (2013). The management of wound-related procedural pain (volitional incident pain) in advanced illness. Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care, 7(1), 80-5.
· Heyland, DK., Barwich, D., Pichora, D., Dodek, P., Lamontagne, F., You, JJ., Tayler, C., Porterfield, P., Sinuff, T., Simon, J., ACCEPT (Advance Care Planning Evaluation in Elderly Patients) Study Team; Canadian Researchers at the End of Life Network (CARENET). (2013). Failure to engage hospitalized elderly patients and their families in advance care planning. JAMA Internal Medicine. 173(9):778-87.
· Lingard, LA., McDougall, A., Schulz, V., Shadd, J., Marshall, D., Strachan, PH., Tait, GR., Arnold, JM., Kimel, G. (2013). Understanding palliative care on the heart failure care team: an innovative research methodology. Journal of Pain Symptom Manage. 45(5):901-11. doi: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2012.04.006.
· Victoria Hospice Palliative Care: Medical Intensive Course: Opioid Induced Neurotoxicity and Uncontrolled Severe Pain (accredited by the CFPC for MAINPRO-M1 Credits)
· . 2013-03-07 Victoria Hospice Palliative Care: Medical Intensive Course: Care Through Death (accredited by the CFPC for MAINPRO-M1 Credits)
· 2013-03-07 Victoria Hospice Palliative Care: Medical Intensive Course: Palliative Sedation Therapy (accredited by the CFPC for MAINPRO-M1 Credits)
· 2013-03-08 Victoria Hospice Palliative Care: Medical Intensive Course: Overview of Palliative Emergencies (accredited by the CFPC for MAINPRO-M1 Credits
· 2013-04-23 Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra, Ghana: Fundamentals of Palliative Care: The Palliative Approach
· 2013-04-23 Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra, Ghana: Fundamentals of Palliative Care: Pain Pathophysiology
· 2013-04-24 Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra, Ghana: Fundamentals of Palliative Care: Barriers to Pain Control
· 2013-04-24 Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra, Ghana: Fundamentals of Palliative Care: OPIOID PRESCRIBING – The Basics
· 2013-04-24 Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra, Ghana: Fundamentals of Palliative Care: GI Symptoms
· 2013-04-24 Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra, Ghana: Fundamentals of Palliative Care: Resp Symptoms at End of Life
· 2013-04-25 Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra, Ghana: Caring for the Patient with a Non-Healing Wound
· 2013-04-25 Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra, Ghana: Fundamentals of Palliative Care: Delirium – Everyman’s Psychosis
· 2013-04-25 Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra, Ghana: Fundamentals of Palliative Care: Overview of Palliative Emergencies
· 2013-04-26 Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra, Ghana: Fundamentals of Palliative Care: Final Weeks, Days and Hours
· 2013-04-29 Tetteh Quarshie Memorial Hospital, Mapong, Ghana: Teaching Rounds: Pain Assessment and Principles of Opioid Administration
· 2013-05 UBC Year of Added Competency Palliative Resident Teaching: Overview of Palliative Emergencies
· 2013-05-02 Central University College of Ghana, Accra: Palliative Care Who, What, Where, When, How and Why
· 2013-05-29 UBC Year of Added Competency Palliative Resident Teaching: Beyond the WHO – Lidocaine and Ketamine
· 2013-07-17 UBC Year of Added Competency Palliative Resident Teaching: Pain Assessment and How Good Pain Goes Bad
· 2013-07-24 UBC Year of Added Competency Palliative Resident Teaching: Opiophobia and Barriers to Pain Management
· 2013-07-24 UBC Year of Added Competency Palliative Resident Teaching: OPIOID PRESCRIBING made ridiculously simple
· 2013-11-27 UBC Year of Added Competency Palliative Resident Teaching: Palliative Emergencies