Office of Clinical Faculty Affairs
The Office of Clinical Faculty Affairs provides information on understanding your appointment. Important information about applying for your library card, contracts, upcoming events, etc. If you are applying for Clinical Faculty appointment or promotion specifically under Department of Medicine, please click on this link (
Division Head Letter of Support
To help us prepare for your letter of support, please click on the following links as applicable:
- UBC DOPC Clinical Faculty Application/Promotion:
- UBC DOPC Associate Membership Application:
Criteria for Advancement
Clinical Instructor:
- This rank shall not normally be held for more than 5 years.
- Has demonstrated an interest in, and a promising beginning to, teaching.
- Has demonstrated competence in clinical practice and a willingness to relate their practice to teaching.
- Should be considered a probationary appointment by Department Head, with annual reassessment by the Departmental Committee on Clinical Appointments and Promotions.
Clinical Assistant Professor:
- This rank is normally held for 3 to 5 years, but some individuals may remain at this rank on a continuous basis.
- Has demonstrated capability by formal assessment as a teacher.
- Has demonstrated competence in clinical practice and a willingness to relate their practice to teaching.
- Shows sustained effort to present clear and useful teaching sessions.
- Has made an effort to learn about teaching techniques.
- Is a member of appropriate local and provincial organizations.
- For promotion from Clinical Instructor to Clinical Assistant Professor, candidates are expected to be a member of the College of Family Physicians of Canada. In cases of specialized practice, membership in another appropriate professional organization may be substituted with the approval of the Department of Family Practice Committee on Clinical Appointments and Promotions. The candidate is responsible for providing the committee with the documentation of the qualifications for the membership. The candidate must provide the committee with a copy of the membership of the body.
- Participates in hospital, agency or University administrative and/or service activities.
- Provides at least 50 hours of academic contribution over a two‑year period.
Clinical Associate Professor:
- This rank is normally held for 5 to 10 years, but individuals may remain at this rank on a continuous basis.
- Has shown themself to be one of the better teachers in the Department and/or hospital by formal assessment.
- Has obtained the reputation of being a highly competent clinician.
- Has developed expertise within his/her own field, which may include an area of special professional skill.
- Has taken an active, prominent role in provincial and national professional organizations.
- A candidate may follow one or more of three paths for promotion from Clinical Assistant Professor to Clinical Associate Professor:
- the candidate is a certificant of the College of Family Physicians of Canada, and/or
- the candidate is a certificant of an equivalent professional body. The candidate is responsible for providing the committee with the documentation of the qualifications for the certification. The candidate must provide the committee with a copy of the certificate and be an active member of the body.
- should the candidate not be a certificant of any such professional body, and otherwise meet the criteria for Clinical Professor, the committee will consider the candidate for promotion to a Clinical Associate Professor.
- Has contributed significantly to the administration and/or service activities of their hospital, agency or the University.
- Has been called upon to speak at professional society meetings, in continuing professional educational programs and at other institutions.
- Provides more than 50 hours of academic contribution over a two‑year period.
Clinical Professor:
- Has shown themself to be an enthusiastic, effective and devoted leader in the educational program who has continually stimulated students and taught them with excellence as assessed by formal review.
- Is recognized by his/her peers as being an outstanding clinician who has made documented significant contributions to professional practice in his/her hospital or agency and the University.
- Has provided leadership in national or international professional organizations.
- Has complied with specified departmental/school criteria for appointment.
- Has demonstrated distinguished service and/or related leadership in committee, administrative or policy making decisions in his/her hospital, agency, university or professional organization.
- Provides more than 50 hours of academic contribution over a two‑year period
For more information and to access the required forms email or visit the Faculty of Medicine’s website by clicking here.