Donations to the Division of Palliative Care can help us to reach our goal towards the relief of physical, psychosocial and spiritual suffering at end of life through high quality education, research and impeccable practice in providing comfort and compassionate care for the dying.
Each year more than 259,000 Canadians die. Statistics Canada report more than 33,000 deaths per year in BC, and we know from BC-specific data that nearly 90% of them will die from chronic illnesses where death is foreseeable, and symptoms are expected to cause some degree of suffering whilst living with the disease. These conditions include cancer, heart disease, stroke, dementia, COPD and kidney disease which makes up the majority for reasons for death, with many others contributing, other directly or indirectly.
In order to better care for the many dying people who suffer without adequate relief of pain or knowledgeable care, there is an urgent need to provide specialized palliative care training for doctors, nurses, social workers, volunteers and allied members of health care teams. As of 2021 Canada has just over 250 palliative care physicians who practice ether full time or part-time, and palliative care skills are core competencies for physicians from most other specialties, particularly Family Practice and all subspecialties of Internal Medicine. Formal palliative hospice care training is being developed in many of Canada’s nursing schools.
Your gifts will enable us to achieve the highest standard of palliative care through:
- Developing public awareness programs such as community education forums, public speaker series, film and media initiatives.
- Expanding educational initiatives by supporting individual exemplary students, clinicians and volunteers.
- Providing field experiences for students and volunteers in rural communities.
- Developing innovative research: the Division is in need of sustainable funding to fund a research leader for Palliative Care for the province, and there are also specific areas of need for targeted project sponsorship, for example:
- Effective pain and symptom management
- Psychosocial aspects of pain and suffering
- Palliative Care for vulnerable populations
- Family caregiving
- High quality service delivery (systems-based research)
- Quality of life
- The impact of Coronavirus on patients and caregivers, and mitigating strategies
- Facilitating academic training such as “train the trainer” initiatives for community palliative care/hospice delivery programs.
- Supporting travel for students to learn from national and international experts in the palliative care field.
Thank you.
Make a Gift Contact
Kevin Chi, CFRE
Development Officer
Faculty of Medicine
University of British Columbia
317-2194 Health Sciences Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3
Online Giving Form
Thank you for your interest in making a secure on-line gift by credit card. Please click the following link to access our online giving form.