
Palliative care education includes the premise that knowledge is required not only  in the science and techniques of physiological pain and symptom control (including psychological, spiritual and existential suffering) but also in the ability to nurture, sustain and build team relationships.

Three areas of study include:

  1. Undergraduate
  2. Postgraduate
  3. Continuing Medical Education

The Division of Palliative Care has the primary goal of improving the knowledge of physicians and all health care providers; we aim to provide a workforce with sufficient knowledge and skills to serve the growing population of seriously ill and dying patients in British Columbia. The Division will collaborate with centres of learning in palliative care across the province such as the BC Centre for Palliative Care, BC Cancer, the Regional Health Authorities, The BC Hospice Palliative Care Association, Victoria Hospice, and Canuck Place to improve the education of physicians and care providers. The Division also mentors and encourage trainees of al  disciplines to choose careers in palliative care.

Academic Goals

  • To develop and implement high quality educational programs.
  • To recruit quality faculty for undergraduate, post-graduate and continuing medical education.
  • To educate physicians in order to assure academic leadership in palliative medicine.
  • To expand the knowledge, clinical and research skills of physicians in all areas of life threatening illness.
  • To provide palliative medicine as an academic discipline and a career option.
  • To promote interprofessional education in palliative care.
  • To promote community based research in palliative care.