Resident Spotlight: Dr. Sean McKenzie

This week on our resident spotlight is Dr. Sean McKenzie! Continue to read to learn more about his favourite type of exercise and a great piece of advice for new physicians.

1. What’s the best part about your residency experience: 

The best part of residency is being able to live, work and learn in different communities in British Columbia with an incredible cohort of fellow learners and world class mentors and teachers.

2. What are you most looking forward to in your career ahead:

I am looking forward to an opportunity to practice Palliative Care in the province that I grew up in!  I am also very interested in improving health outcomes for the Indigenous community.
3. What’s the best part about your job?
The best part about my job is having the opportunity to listen and learn about the life experiences of so many unique individuals and their families. Also, I enjoy being part of an incredible allied health team that assists people in living as well as possible for as long as possible.

4. Favourite song:
City and Colour – Comin’ Home – Bravo! Live Concert Hall (YouTube)

5. Favourite past-time activity:
I love late night runs and working my way through Matty Matheson’s cookbook.

6. Favourite restaurant in your community:
The Eatery on West Broadway is great. The ‘Ring of Fire’ platter doesn’t miss.

7. A book or article you would recommend:
Copy-and-Paste JAMA, May 24/31, 2006—Vol 295, No. 20. A satire piece on copy and pasting within the EMR which was written almost 20 years ago, but which is still very much applicable today.

8. What are you creating in the world right now?
I hope to create a kind and caring environment where patients feel supported and valued.

9. Best piece of advice for new physicians:
The right answer isn’t always written word for word in a textbook or guideline. It requires clinical experience and an understanding of each patient’s unique perspective and presentation for shared decision making. Be patient, listen and don’t be afraid to ask a colleague. You are never alone!


Dr. Sean Mckenzie and his dog Skye