Our FINAL residents spotlight on the 2023 graduates is shining on Dr. Linda Hu. We are so proud of her and how she has blossomed in her Palliative Care year. Keep reading to learn more about our final 2023 graduate!

Linda and her partner Ryan at the top of the Sea to Sky Gondola
Favourite part about your residency experience so far:
Definitely exploring BC, enjoying the beautiful nature and amazing food. It’s always been a dream of mine to live on the West Coast and it has not disappointed!
Favourite song:
Coffee – beabadoobee
Favourite past-time activity:
Since I’ve been in BC, it’s been walking around and exploring whatever area I’m currently living in. I’ve definitely gotten my steps in this year!
Favourite restaurant in your community:
It’s so hard to pick a favourite out of all the restaurants I’ve tried here, but so far it would have to be Green Leaf Cafe for their aburi sushi and omurice.
A book or article you would recommend:

Linda at her favourite place in BC, RAPS Cat Sanctuary in Richmond, BC.
That Good Night by Sunita Puri. It’s written by a Palliative Care doc on her experiences in medical school and residency that led her to Palliative Care, as well as her time in Palliative fellowship.
Who is someone who inspires you?
My partner Ryan who always supports me 100% in whatever I want to do (including moving across the country for a year to do more long distance!)
What are you creating in the world right now?
I’m always hoping to create a culture of authenticity where people can feel comfortable being open and genuine.
What are you most looking forward to in your career ahead?
Teaching and learning from future generations of aspiring Palliative Care physicians.